Thursday, September 25, 2008

In PP,Total Plan Activities in Minutes

afru -> Order completion confirmations
afru-smeng -> Operations qty

afvv -> DB structure of the quantities/dates/values in the operation
afvv-bmsch -> Base quantity
afvv-vgw01 -> Standard value for Direct Labour
afvv-vgw02 -> Standard value for Setup
afvv-vgw03 -> Standard value for Machine Time
afvv-vgw04 -> Standard value for Adjustment of Tool

Direct Labour = ( afru-smeng / afvv-bmsch ) * afvv-vgw01 * 60.
Setup = afvv-vgw02 * 60.
Machine Time = ( afru-smeng / afvv-bmsch ) * afvv-vgw03 * 60.
Adjustment of Tool = afvv-vgw04 * 60.

CR03 - Display Work Center
At CR03, click Assignments. Then double click on the Cost Center.
Place your cursor at the Activity type, click Extra -> Formula -> Display.

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